Irish Language
Irish Language
Agus an Ghaeilge mar chroílár shaol agus phobal na scoile, úsáidtear Curaclam Teanga na Bunscoile le tacaíocht a thabhairt d’aistear foghlama teanga uathúil féin gach páiste aonarach le go mbeidh siad in ann an domhan mórthimpeall orthu a thuiscint agus cumarsáid éifeachtach a dhéanamh le daoine eile.
Tugann Curaclam Teanga na Bunscoile deiseanna d’fhoghlaimeoirí eispéiris foghlama atá idirghníomhach, spraíúil, taitneamhach, suimiúil, tascbhunaithe a bheith acu i suíomh le meon dearfach le go mbeidh siad inn ann dul i ngleic le teanga ó bhéal, léitheoireacht agus scribhneoireacht ar bheaalach éifeachtach.
Úsáidtear scéalaíocht, drámaíocht, filíocht, puipéid, teicneolaíocht agus spraoi digiteach le cruthaíochas agus smaointeoireacht a spreagadh agus le nasc a dhéanamh leis an saol réalaíoch taobh istigh agus taobh amuigh den scoil. Spreagann sé na foghlaimeoirí a bheith ag smaoineamh agus ag macnamh ag leibhéal criticiúil agus forbraíonn sé scileanna smaointeoireachta ard ordaithe. Spreagtar féin agus píormheasúnú le go mbeidh úinéireacht acu ar an bhfoghlaim agus an sealbhú teanga.
Cuireann an cuir chuige seo le forbairt mhothúchanach, chognaíoch agus shóisialta na bpáistí . Cruthaíonn sé ionbhá agus forbraíonn sé féiniulacht, féin-éifeachtach agus muinín. Is í an teanga an príomh-mheán cumarsáide inphearsanta agus idirphearsanta atá againn ar fad agus is eochair í d’fhorbairt an pháiste mar dhuine.
Aistear is the key learning and teaching tool used to implement the primary school curriculum in infant classes in our school. The children participate in purposeful play sessions, with an emphasis on active learning and oral language development through interaction with each other. During Aistear the children are learning, developing and practising social skills, oral language, reading, writing, maths, art, music and drama.
Junior and Senior infants enjoy Aistear and a different topic is chosen each month to allow them the opportunity to implement their numeracy and literacy skills in a more meaningful way through the use of role play, games and real-life situations. Click on the link below to view the Principles and Themes of Aistear.
Teanga Tí
The aim of this support scheme, Teanga Tí, is to encourage, inspire and support families of children in Senior Infants, Gaelscoil Mhic Amhlaigh, to speak Irish at home more often. It is a comprehensive scheme that attends to all the differing language needs of households. Parents can have various abilities of Irish, those with average ability who want to improve on their skill and those with very little Irish who wish to improve their standard of Irish.
The heart of this scheme is for families to meet, converse and chat in a fun, enjoyable manner, while engaging in worthwhile and appealing activities for both adults and children, all the while inspiring and nurturing the Irish Language.
Write a Book
The ‘Scríobh Leabhar 2020’ project provides the children with an opportunity to write a story as Gaeilge, to edit and redraft their story before finally putting it together as a book. The books are then swapped with another school and some winners are chosen. A class might start writing their stories in November and finish in February. During the writing process, the children improve their grammar and creative writing skills and produce their own individual decorated books at the end.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Seachtain na Gaeilge is one of the highlights of the school year. We celebrate it at the beginning of March. It is a lovely fortnight in which the entire school celebrates aspects of our culture between language, music, dance, drama, sport agus literacy.
There are numerous events and activities planned for every class. Special guests like Tadhg Mac Donneagáin, Diarmuid de Faoite and Darach Mac an Iomaire partake in the celebration by presenting Irish dramas and writing workshops through Irish. We have a Lá Mór Glas and a school assembly on the last day as well as a Céilí Craiceáilte. Other events include Art competitions, Table Quiz, Gaeilgeoir an lae, Yoga and a coffee morning. The children love this fortnight because it is fun. Everyone enjoys the Seachtain na Gaeilge events.