Mental Health
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.
Our aim here at Gaelscoil Mhic Amhlaigh is to establish, promote and maintain the mental health and wellbeing of all staff & pupils through workplace practices and to encourage staff & pupils to take responsibility for their own mental health and wellbeing.
We strive to provide and maintain a learning environment and culture that supports positive mental health and wellbeing and prevents discrimination (including bullying and harassment). A consistent approach means that the school environment and school ethos all promote the positive mental health of the whole school community.
Programmes & Initiatives
Listed below are the many programmes and initiatives which have been introduced in our school over the years to ensure that our mentally healthy learning environment provides opportunities that promote positive mental health, through the curriculum and other activities. By providing such a wide range of activities each child is given the opportunity and encouragement to find their own individual strengths and talents.
- Anti-Bullying Campaign, Aistear, MindUP – Brain Breaks, Incredible Years, Friends for Life
- Restructuring Classes, Zippy’s Friends, Playworks, Healthy Friendship Week, Stay Safe, SPHE
- Active Week, RSE, Golden Time
- Nutrition Team, Children’s Council, Heritage Week,
- Staff Leadership, Differentiated learning activities, Individual timetables
- Movement breaks, Parent / carer groups, Junior Entrepreneur Program
- Irish Dancing, Badminton, Yoga
- Hurling, Camogie, Boys & Girls Gaelic Football, Basketball, Olympic Handball, Athletics, Soccer and Swimming
- After-school clubs, Choir / Orchestra / Chess / Scratch Club / French / Ukulele / Craft / Art / Debate / Board Quiz etc.
Grandparents Day
We celebrate Grandparent’s Day every year as part of Catholic Schools week. We invite the grandparents of our Rang 1 pupils to come to the school. A prayer service is held in the school hall. Every child writes a prayer for their grandparent or loved one. They sing songs and play tunes on the tin whistle that the grandparents learned going to school. After the ceremony, they enjoy some refreshments and chats. They are invited to visit the classrooms, which have all been decorated with art work in preparation for Grandparents Day. It is a lovely, special day where the children celebrate the importance and love they have for their grandparents.
Student Council
The Student Council is a group of students elected from each class to give a voice to all students in the school. It gives children an opportunity to voice their opinions and be involved in decision making and the day-to-day running of the school. At Student Council meetings, the students express their own thoughts and those of their fellow classmates. Student Council members gather information from their classmates and present the views of all pupils at meetings. Resources, school infrastructure, discipline, rules, community actions, charity work and school activities are some examples of what is discussed at council meetings. Student Council is a terrific way for students to learn organisation, leadership and teamwork skills. They learn how to resolve conflict amicably and diplomatically but most of all, they learn how to make a positive impact on the school and community environment.